Sunday, August 24, 2008

Disabling the Vista Delete Confirmation

You occasionally have the need to delete a bunch of files and folders off your computer, right? You know, just to free up some space.
Well, every time you delete a file, Windows asks you this: "Are you sure you want to move this file to the Recycle Bin?" That's typically a good thing, because it prevents you from deleting files by mistake, but if you're trying to do some cleanup and you need to delete a lot of files at once, you might not want to be prompted every single time.
Luckily, there's a simple way to turn it off while you're doing your cleaning. (Otherwise, I recommend you leave it on).

To turn it off, just right click on your Recycle Bin icon and choose Properties from the menu.

Now, you'll see the Trash Properties dialogue box and you'll notice the "Display delete confirmation dialogue" option at the bottom

Uncheck that box and close out the window. No more confirmations for you! (Just don't forget to turn it back on when you're done deleting your files). Have at it!